or close to it anyway! This is the
Wonders of Wildlife museum. It is a little bit of a drive from where we live, but well worth it. Marley had been when she was not even a year old and we hadn't taken her back since then so we decided it was time.

The baby in the picture is Marley the first time we took her. The other pictures are from the latest trip. This place is unbelievable. It is like an indoor zoo! When you are inside parts of it you forget that you are inside because they have made it looks so real. So our first stop was my favorite and I am pretty sure most everyone's favorite... the otter! Who knew she would be scared of the little guy?!?! She eventually warmed up to him, but stayed a safe distance away from the glass. She then went on to tell me that he swims like Ariel and she thinks he is really a mermaid! So she was scared of quite possibly the cutest animal ever, but then we go to the sharks and she thinks they are awesome and isn't scared of them at all! She also wasn't scared of the snakes! What kind of a kid is this?!?! She even wanted to stand of the little ledge of the snake aquariums so she could see them better. Ummm... I know you aren't supposed to stand on the ledge, but if you don't want little kids standing on it then make the tank lower so they can see! Common Sense! Anyway... It was a fun filled day and we got LOTS of footage of everything for a video that my husband is helping a friend make. I hope to be able to share the video when it is done! Here are some of the pictures...